Weather, corona, daily

A cool breeze blows, but the sunlight is moderately sunny.

Weather with high temperature and high humidity and a prolonged gray color.

I tend to be affected by the weather.

Mood, health, condition, emotions… everything.

Even if it’s dark and dark, it’s likely to rain anytime soon, no matter how much I love you, I’m reluctant to go out.

The way to work is sunny and sunny (of course, the trap is that most of the way to work is dull regardless of the weather)

As if going on a picnic, the footsteps are light and hums come out.

Weather affects a lot of people.

To make people who were tired and in need of rest active outside,

People who were full of energy can quickly fall into a swamp of depression.

This moment I’m writing right now is a Sunday afternoon, but it’s a really relaxing time.

The leaves swaying in the fluffy breeze seen through the cafe window bring relaxation to the mind.

On Sunday afternoon, my mind is busy thinking of going to work tomorrow, but today I am somewhat calm.

To me, who is at the end of the guichanism, “Shall we go for a walk today? The magic of the weather that makes you feel like it.

I have a strong tendency to order home, and once I go out, I need all kinds of preparation.

Where to go, whether the car is not clogged, or whether the people are too crowded…  I am allowed to go out only when all conditions (?) are met.

Even in this good weather, it is difficult to go out to my heart’s content, and it feels like it is difficult to control my body and mind completely.

I missed going out, who had been trying to go out with all kinds of conditions. No, the trip is hungry.

I didn’t know the impact of travel on me would be so great,

It seems that newness, experience and relaxation at the travel destination have become more driving force in my daily life than I thought.

These days, I feel empty and helpless in many places in my daily life.

Whatever you do is not more enjoyable than before, and there are some moments when you are not sure what to do right now.

It is the moment when we miss our ordinary daily life and happiness that the Corona has stolen.