The movie 'Patterson', a special daily life found in ordinary life
Patterson, the protagonist of the movie “Patterson” starring “Adam Driver”, is a “bus driver”.
In the city of Paterson, New Jersey
Patterson, who works as a bus driver,
I spend the same routine every day.
Monday morning, Paterson wakes up around 6:10 and has breakfast.
I go to work with the lunchbox prepared by my wife.
When you leave the bus after running
Having dinner with my wife
Take your dog for a walk.
On the promenade, you have a beer at your favorite bar.
I wake up at the same time the next morning and spend another day.
The main character wakes up at the same time on Monday morning after a week. That’s how the movie ends.
But it’s a routine that repeats the same every day
If you look closely, it is slightly different.
One day, a little poet I met on my way home reads a poem,
On other days, young people are asked to watch out for dog thieves on the promenade, and one day, they meet a rapper who practice rap at the laundromat and cheer him on.
And while driving the bus, he writes a poem by looking at things that he could just pass by in everyday life, such as the stories of passengers who accidentally heard on the table, the matchbox on the table, the scenery outside the bus, and a glass of beer at the bar.
At the table where you eat cereal,
From the driver’s seat prior to departure of the bus,
On the bench in front of the waterfall during lunch,
At a small desk in a messy basement after work
In your own secret notebook
I write poems in my spare time.
Poems written like this are only read to my wife.
“He’s a great poet”
It is said that poetry should be known to the world.
But Patterson simply silently writes a poem in a secret notebook.
When someone asks Patterson if he writes poetry, he replies that he is just a bus driver. However, just as Patterson’s favorite poet “William Carlos Williams” was a doctor and poet, he may be dreaming of a day when he will confidently introduce himself as a bus driver and poet.
A Japanese poet who happened to meet on a bench in front of the waterfall said that he had traveled to his hometown because he liked “William Carlos Williams,” and presented a new notebook and said:
Sometimes a blank page offers the most possibilities.
Yesterday and today seem to be living the same routine
If I keep doing what I like to do
“Aha” and
The moment of enlightenment may come.
Those moments will make your repetitive everyday life special.